Though, the company still needs to conduct "millions of miles" of testing, and it may take another decade to bring to market. 不过,在这之前,谷歌必须进行“成千上万英里”的测试,而这一新技术距离商用可能仍需十年之久。
The sprightly little dart has cost a lot to bring to market. 为了让这款小车成功上市,马尔乔内着实投入了不少血本。
This helps teams to bring quality software to market quickly. 这有助于团队迅速将高品质软件投入市场。
So it's a lightweight operating system to bring to the embedded market. 因此它是一个瞄准嵌入式市场的轻量级操作系统。
Additionally, DeviceAnywhere's cost-effective SaaS model reduces the costs associated with manual testing and empowers developers to bring content to market faster than ever before. 此外,DeviceAnywhere的节省成本的SaaS模型减少与手工测试相关联的成本,并且使得开发人员比从前更快速地将产品投放市场。
Ease of portability significantly cuts development time to bring new products to market, which is key to staying ahead of competitors. 易于移植可以显著地减少将新产品推向市场的开发时间,这是在竞争中保持领先优势的关键。
'Intel remains committed to supporting our customer plans for our platforms, and to help them bring to market the best user experiences,' said Intel's Asia corporate PR manager John Mandeville. 英特尔亚洲公司公关经理曼德维尔(JohnMandeville)表示,英特尔仍致力于支持我们平台的客户计划,帮助他们使用户获得最佳的体验。
Google itself has gone further than any other company to bring this concept to market with Google Glass, its interactive spectacles. 在把这个概念推向市场的过程中,谷歌本身就走在了其他所有公司前面,它推出了交互式设备谷歌眼镜(GoogleGlass)。
Whereas RIM lacked the right product, Nokia actually developed the sorts of devices that consumers are gobbling up today. It just didn't bring them to market. RIM的问题是缺乏合适的产品,而诺基亚实际上是开发出了今天消费者疯狂抢购的几类终端,只是没有把这些终端引入市场。
The motive power for the market to supply competitive sports service products is that supplying a certain competitive sports service product can bring profits to the market subject. 供给某种竞技体育服务产品能给市场主体带来收益是市场供给竞技体育服务产品的动力。
A bill currently being considered in the state legislature would provide tax incentives to bring gas to market. 北达科他州州议会正在考虑一项旨在为天然气上市提供税收优惠的法案。
Developed countries need to create and bring new technologies to market, to help both developed and developing countries. 发达国家应创造新技术,并将其推向市场,向其他发达国家及发展中国家提供帮助。发展中国家在应对社会不稳定问题时,应减少成本高昂的补贴,提高效率。
If there is a line between failure and success, it is always about the quality of your people and the innovation they bring to the market. 我想成功还是失败,取决于你的员工的能力,以及他们向市场推出的创新技术。
As a customer-oriented company with strong economic strength, good business reputation and innovative, we are able to help customers to bring products to market more quickly, to gain maximum benefits. 公司以客户为本,凭借雄厚的经济实力,良好的商业信誉和研发创新的优势,帮助客户能够更迅速地将产品推向市场,赢得最大收益。
An inability to bring products rapidly to market? 不具备将产品迅速推向市场的能力?
God is our customer service purposes, we will promptly arrange production, delivered on time, so that customers can in due course, bring product to market. 客户是上帝是我们的服务宗旨,因此我们会及时安排生产,准时交货,以便客户能在适当的时候把产品推向市场。
What product, service or idea does our brand bring to the market? 哪些产品、服务或点子是我们的品牌带入市场的?
The bill passed by the House would, in fact, make it more difficult to bring such products to market. 实际上,众议院通过的该法令,使把这些产品推到市场上更难了。
Researchers from the lab have continued to work on promising projects, beavering away in garden sheds and seeking angel finance to bring products to market. 该实验室的研究人员继续从事颇有前景的项目,在花棚里兢兢业业地工作,并寻找天使融资,将产品引入市场。
For consumers in North America and Europe, it is actually much better, at a time of growing demand, that China is investing to bring additional barrels to market than not. 对北美和欧洲的消费者而言,在当前能源需求日益增长的形势下,中国进行投资以增加原油市场供应的做法,实际上要比不这样做好得多。
Add in printing, distribution and the rest of the steps necessary to bring an issue to market and the total bumps up to1.82 pounds. 加上已出版的,正在发行的和送往超市发行的过程中剩余的总数加起来增加到了1.82磅。
What kind of influence will it bring to the market of FeCr? 您认为会对全球铬铁市场造成怎样的影响?
Researchers told the American Society for Reproductive Medicine how they hope to bring the product to market if clinical trial results continue to be positive. 研究人员告诉美国生殖医学学会如何,他们希望将产品推向市场,如果临床试验结果仍然是阳性。
But as producers we want a scarcity of the goods we bring to market. 但是作为生产者,我们希望我们供给市场的物品越少越好。
Speedto market-forcingorganisations to respond to customers morequickly, bring products to market morequicklyand to bemoreresponsiveto both competitors and customers. 应市速度&迫使组织对客户更快地作出反应,更快地将产品推向市场,对竞争者和客户更加负责。
And then set out from the economy effects of the foreign banks entering the financial market of our country, through the pros and cons, deeply analyze the Macro and micro economy effect entering from the foreign banks that can bring to financial market of our country. 然后又从外资银行进入我国金融市场经济效应出发,通过正反两方面,深刻地剖析了外资银行进入所能给我国金融市场带来的宏观微观经济效应。
In order to bring vitality to market, meet market demand, build competitive advantage, improve efficiency and quality, the knowledge-driven design pattern is exploreed. 为了增添市场活力,满足市场需求,构筑产品竞争优势,提高设计效率和质量,制造业正在探索以知识为驱动力的新型产品设计模式。
Considering the negative effects that herd behavior can bring to the market, it is necessary to conduct researches of the herd behaviors of security investment funds in our country. 鉴于羊群行为给市场带来的消极影响,有必要对我国证券投资基金的羊群行为进行研究。
The third part mainly analyzed the business risk margin lending will bring to market participants, and made some policy recommendations. 第三部分主要就不同市场参与者在融资融券业务中可能隐含的风险进行分析,并提出一些政策建议。